Online Harmony Workshop for Singers

Dive into the melodious universe of choir vibes without the choir in this one-of-a-kind online Harmony Workshop for Singers. Tailored for vocalists of all stages—from shampoo solos to spotlight sensations—this course promises to amp up your harmony game, layer your performances with richness, or just let you bask in the sheer pleasure of belting out tunes with fellow harmony enthusiasts.

Over the span of six weeks, you will:

  • Learn how harmonies are crafted and executed across three diverse songs, enhancing your understanding and appreciation for this beautiful aspect of music.

  • Master the art of staying in tune with your part, even as others around you weave different harmonies, ensuring you contribute to a cohesive sound.

  • Develop your voice blending techniques, learning how to merge your voice harmoniously with others, creating a seamless and unified group sound.

  • Engage with a community of fellow singers, fostering connections in a supportive learning environment that thrives on collective music-making.

This course is designed with convenience and community at its heart. Enjoy the flexibility of participating from the comfort of your home, with practice materials provided to support your learning. Missed a class? No worries—the sessions are recorded, allowing you to catch up or revisit the lessons to reinforce your learning.

Each week includes a warm-up session to prepare your voice and ear, followed by focused lessons on each song, providing a structured yet flexible learning environment. The course culminates in a final project where your voice will be blended with your classmates in a recorded mix, giving you a tangible showcase of your progress and the beautiful harmonies you've created together.

Course Structure:

  • Week 1: Introductions, course overview, and foundational exercises.

  • Week 2-4: Progressive learning and practice of three songs, with one new song introduced each week.

  • Week 5: Comprehensive group practice session to refine and perfect all three songs.

  • Week 6: Celebrate your achievements with a final listening party and virtual performance using the "minus track" method, alongside the release of your final recordings.

This workshop not only improves your musical skills but also promises a mood-lifting, joyful experience that only group singing can offer. Join me in this virtual harmony workshop, and harness the unique methodology developed for practicing group harmony over Zoom—ensuring that even in a digital space, we can create beautiful music together.

Ready to add depth to your vocal abilities and connect with a vibrant singing community? Enroll in the Harmony Workshop for Singers today and start your journey towards becoming a master of harmony.